By enrolling in university you are taking a very big and important
step into life. This step is a very expensive one. To make the most of
the money you are putting into school you want to make sure that you
have the best education from the best teachers. Here are a few websites
that are very important to choosing a professor.
Rate My Professor: This
is my favorite website to use to find out which teacher you would like.
It is extremely helpful, it rates all the professors out of five. Also
it splits these into five categories including overall quality,
easiness, helpfulness, and clarity. This makes it easy for you to decide
if its worth having a five out of five easy teacher even if they have
low helpfulness. The website is well laid out and easy to use, you can
easily read comments on professors or write your own. I highly recommend
using this website to see if that teacher you have is right for you.
Rate My Teacher:
This is another website you can use, however it is not as helpful as
rate my professor. This website is strictly for schools in the united
states. It covers all schools from elementary to university. I have
found by looking at it that not many professors have ratings which can
make it very difficult to use. Also the interface is a bit confusing. It
is always good to have alternatives though so check it out if rate my
professor doesn't work.
This website is very interesting and worth checking out. It has the
same features as the other two, but comes with so much more. You have to
sign up for this website which is sometimes annoying it is completely
worth it. It allows you to create a cool interactive profile, this helps
you create a time table for classes as well as look for internships and
jobs. Another great site to go check
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